Precision Mental Health

PMH Clinic - Your Mental Health Partner
    • Hey you!

      I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your decision to restart therapy after a period of time. This is a significant step towards prioritizing your mental well-being, and I want to commend you for recognizing the importance of seeking support once again.

      Life has a way of presenting us with challenges and changes, and it is entirely normal to take breaks from therapy or put it on hold for a while. It takes great strength and self-awareness to recognize when it is time to reintroduce therapy into your life.

      As you reenter therapy, please know that it is okay to feel a mix of emotions. You may feel a sense of anticipation, nervousness, or even vulnerability. Remember that therapy is a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of criticism

      It's important to honor and acknowledge any progress or personal growth you have experienced during your time away from therapy. Reflect on the insights you have gained, the coping strategies you have developed, and the resilience you have demonstrated. Recognize that restarting therapy is not a sign of regression but rather a continuation of your journey towards self-discovery and healing.

      Your therapist will welcome you back with open arms, providing you with a supportive environment to discuss your current concerns, explore new goals, and build upon the progress you have already made. Together, you will navigate the therapeutic process at a pace that feels comfortable for you, reestablishing a trusting and collaborative relationship.

      Remember, it is common to experience a period of adjustment as you restart therapy. Allow yourself the time and space to reconnect with the therapeutic process and to reestablish a rapport with your therapist. Be patient with yourself as you revisit past experiences, address new challenges, and work towards your desired outcomes.

      Please know that you are not alone on this journey. Your therapist is here to support you every step of the way, providing guidance, validation, and a compassionate ear. They will work with you to tailor the therapy sessions to your current needs and goals, ensuring that you receive the support and tools necessary to foster growth and well-being.

      I want to commend you for your courage and commitment to your personal growth. Restarting therapy demonstrates your dedication to self-care and your resilience in seeking the support you need. Remember that you are deserving of the care and attention you are giving yourself through therapy.

      Wishing you a positive and transformative experience as you restart therapy. May this be a time of renewed growth, self-discovery, and healing. Trust in your inner strength, and know that you have the capacity to overcome challenges and cultivate a fulfilling and meaningful life.

      With warm regards,

      Team PMH

For Those Looking to Reengage After a Break


We are glad that you are looking to reengage with a therapist after a break from therapy. Before we start, please go through the following to prepare yourself;

  • A lot could have changed since, do take some time to make mental notes on what are the points of distress you would like to address currently.
  • If you have had any medication, operations or crisis that have occurred since the last time, do keep your therapist updated on the same.
  • Take time for your self to rebuild a therapeutic relationship with your therapist once again. You can take the time to relax into the process once again.
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