Precision Mental Health

PMH Clinic - Your Mental Health Partner
    • Hey you!

      I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to acknowledge your courage and self- awareness as you consider making a change in your therapeutic journey. Making the decision to explore a different therapist is a significant step, and I want to assure you that your well-being is at the forefront of this process.

      It is not uncommon for individuals to reassess their therapeutic needs and seek a new therapist. Sometimes, our needs and circumstances evolve, and finding the right fit with a therapist is crucial for your growth and progress. Remember that this decision is about honoring yourself and finding the support that resonates with you on a deeper level.

      Choosing a therapist is a personal and unique process. It is essential to find someone with whom you feel comfortable, understood, and supported. Trusting your instincts and recognizing what feels right for you is an essential part of your therapeutic journey.

      Please know that it is entirely acceptable and valid to explore different therapeutic relationships until you find the right fit. Your emotional well-being is of utmost importance, and finding a therapist who aligns with your needs and therapeutic goals can greatly enhance the effectiveness and quality of your sessions.

      As you embark on this search, it may be helpful to reflect on what specifically you are looking for in a therapist. Consider the qualities, expertise, and approach that resonate with you most. Keep an open mind and trust that the right therapist is out there, ready to support and guide you.

      Remember, change can be both exciting and challenging. It is normal to experience a range of emotions as you navigate this process. If you have any concerns or questions along the way, do not hesitate to reach out to your current therapist or other trusted individuals who can provide guidance and support during this transition.

      Please remember to be compassionate with yourself throughout this process. Change takes time, and it is essential to allow yourself space to adjust and settle into a new therapeutic relationship. Trust that you are making a decision that serves your best interests and supports your ongoing growth and well-being.

      We want to commend you for your commitment to your personal growth and your willingness to take the necessary steps to find the support that feels right for you. You are demonstrating strength, resilience, and self-care by exploring different options and making the decision that aligns with your needs.

      Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your therapeutic journey. May you find a therapist who provides the understanding, support, and guidance that you seek.

      With warm regards,

      Team PMH

For Those Looking to Change Therapists


We understand that you are looking to have a change in therapist. Please go through the following regarding what can help in making an informed choice in the change of therapist;

  • A therapist - client fit is a very important aspect of rapport and working towards inner change and progress.
  • Before considering a change in therapist, if your rapport with your current therapist is strong, do address the need for change in therapeutic approach or pace to help suit your current needs.
  • If you have made the choice of changing the therapist, ensure you take some time to summarize the learning from the therapy process either by yourself or with the assistance of your therapist.
  • Do discuss the themes of distress with your next therapist just to ensure the process of care will be continued.

Note: Each therapist has a style and a specialization of addressing distress. Do take the time to get comfortable with the method of therapy.

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