Precision Mental Health

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Between Fear and Hope: The Journey of Anxiety

Written by: Deepika Sathish,
Published on:12th March 2025.

Have you ever felt like your mind is running a marathon that you never signed up for. Even when everything is fine, you brain constantly reminds you that something is wrong. Have you ever overthought every conversation, every detail and every decision that you have undertaken - like you have stuck in a loop of ‘what ifs’ and worst-case scenarios. Isn’t it exhausting.

What is Anxiety -Anxiety isn’t just a feeling of nervousness about making an important decision, worrying before a big event or fear before attending an interview. It is a continuous presence, a lasting unease that turns even a small situation into an overwhelming condition. It’s just like a car alarm that keeps going off, even when there is no presence of real danger.

Your brain and body acts as if something bad is going to happen, even when everything is actually fine. You want to feel in control, but no matter how hard you try, those thoughts keep coming which in turns make you to feel frustrated, exhausted and even sometimes guilty for feeling this way.

Anxiety in everyday life: - The moment you wake up, your brain starts running at full speed like “Have I forget something important? “, “Will I say something bad today”, “What if something happens today”. These kinds of thought are not just occasional but they would be relentless. Your mind starts to over-analyse everything, even a simplest conversation. A casual interaction can turn into a internal spiral of self-doubt.

Your muscles will stay tense, leaving you physically exhausted. You will have trouble in breathing or sometimes feels like there’s a tight band around your chest. Your stomach may churn with a constant sense of unease and sleep doesn’t come easily, even when it does, it’s restless and unrefreshing. Most of the times it would be frustrating because even when you tell yourself that you are safe and that nothing is wrong, your body reacts as if you in danger.

You tent to replay past conversations, convinced that you said something embarrassing. Frequently you hesitate to text friends first, fearing they will be annoyed by you. And at large gatherings, you may feel mentally drained, even if you had fun. Sometimes, you cancel plans at last minute—not because you don’t feel like going, but because the thought of socializing itself might feels overwhelming to you.

Common Triggers of Anxiety -Anxiety can be triggered by stress, big life changes, or even everyday situations like speaking in public or making a phone call. Some people are more likely to experience anxiety because of their genetics or past experiences. Sometimes, there is no clear reason for feeling anxious—it just happens.

Managing anxiety - The good news is that anxiety can be managed! Here are some simple ways to feel better:

  • When you feel anxious, try deep breathing: Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth for 6 seconds. Repeat this process until you feel calmer.
  • Anxiety often comes from worrying about the future, so staying in the present moment is very important. Ground yourself by using the 5-4-3-2-1 method: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. This might help you to bring your focus back to the present moment.
  • Stay active by doing exercises, even a short walk, helps reduce stress and clear your mind.
  • Taking too much coffee, energy drinks, or scrolling on social media can also makes your anxiety worse. Try reducing them and see if you feel better.

Final thoughts -Anxiety can feel overwhelming, but it does not define you. With the right coping skills and support, you can learn to manage it and live a happy, fulfilling life. And always remember you’re not alone, and help is available.

“ Anxiety is like a wave—it comes and goes. You may not be able to stop it, but you can learn to ride it “

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